October 2020 Obsessions

This month’s obsessions include something a little different from my usual lifestyle. Ha! Nobody cares, I know. I just like to compile these lists.

1. Joel aka Roomie aka Rami


I’ve been watching basically all of RoomieOfficial’s videos in playlist form - autoplayed. A lot of the time it’s while I’m playing Sims. He’s mostly commentary but it’s interesting stuff and he’s also nice to watch and listen to. I like his sense of humour and his musical training is something I admire and as a viewer can learn one or two things from him. Also, his channel is like 99% family friendly, LOL.

2. Light exercise


I have begun the activity cycle! Too much weight/CM gains during this whole Covid period. I did a random Tabata Torch HIIT one morning and had sore af thighs the next 2 days but it felt worth it. A couple of days later I did some arms and abs workouts. I use FitOn which was recommended to me by my therapist because they have a plethora of videos by trainers which can be as short as 5 mins. How easy is it to just do 5 mins of workout?! I could even do it on my bed (a mat what is that) or in the tiny 2m space in my room. Most of them need no gear other than maybe a mat, and optionally barbells. They have some longer ones like 30 mins, too. I am probably anyhow-ing more than I should but my knees and shoulder issues make it a bit harder to follow through exactly as they do it.

Liner has also planned out a route around Singapore for us to walk - he says brisk walking burns more calories so maybe we’ll spend some time brisk walking (not the whole way, please, I’d rather not die!)

3. Reddit


Most internet people already know Reddit, and I have too for years. But according to my screen time monitor on my iPhone, I have spent significantly more time on Reddit than any other app (and I use my phone for a lot of things - chats, work email/Teams, games). So this is inevitably one of the October obsessions. I surf subs like AITA, choosingbeggars, etc. Reading about people’s lives and views in various countries can sometimes be a form of broadening the mind. Not to mention the more-than-occasional hilarious video/meme.

4. BONUS: Liner’s Obsession - Peak Design


Liner has always liked Peak Design, and I do agree their stuff is super legit. They’re so serious about their products and how they bring design and function together. It is rather impressive and they upload videos where they explain their thought process and all the considerations they’d made that resulted in why they made something a certain way as opposed to what you or I might think would be good (e.g. zip facing what direction, etc.). They also make sure all their products can work together, like all of their products with straps use the same straps and you can buy individual straps which can click onto the smaller stuff that have little things to click onto.

They typically do crowdfunding on platforms like Kickstarter because they choose to be 100% investor-free. Given the quality of material and design, they’re not cheap. But they are definitely worth that price tag - like how it’s worth it to buy a $400 handbag over a $20 one because that $20 will have frays and go out of shape in a month while your luxury handbag will be the same in a year. A lot of technical thought goes into this shit.

They’re essentially a camera-bag / gear company but their bags can be used like normal bags for the most part - and a lot of people do use them as everyday/travel bags and whatnot. Liner’s everyday carry (EDC) is their tech pouch. We have essentially bought their entire travel line at this point - Liner’s October obsession. We’ll see what of their products he covets next month. ;D

This month was also full of Sims 2, which is a recurring obsession. My game got fucked up and wouldn’t launch for a while so I eventually uninstalled and reinstalled, thereby restarting the addiction.

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