Max’s First Surgery (Update)

It's been about a week since Max came home with us from the pet hospital. He's been doing alright - I think.

We were supposed to watch out for blood in his pee. It's been good on this front. His pee was dark and blood-mixed but it got less and less and now his pee is clear.

A new problem has surfaced, though. He can't seem to hold his pee! There are two spots in our living room where sometimes he'll just squat and pee. We don't know what's going on and why he doesn't go in the back like he used to. So now our helper brings him out more often and we just go Aw): when he suddenly squats and pees. Sometimes he tries to tell us but other times he doesn't - we surmise it's when he's excited so it doesn't occur to him and he just has to go. We wrote to the vet and Dr François said it wasn't incontinence unless it trickles out, but he didn't really offer any real insight as to what might be going on with Max. As a side note, why isn't he peeing the normal way?? He's squatting not lifting his leg. Odd.

Max is an evil genius. He manages to eat all around his pill. CLEAN except for the pill. Amazes me. But it seems that vaguely threatening to bring him back to the vet convinces him to be a good boy.

He's still wearing his cone. We taken it off a few times a day when we play with him but once he reaches for his wound it's back to the cone of shame. His wound seems to be healing well and he appears to be fine, like not in pain.

Max can't seem to eat cold food around medicine time. So we have been trying to give him warmer food. And we've split his 1/day meal to the same amount spread over the course of a day. I think he's eating normally now, though.

We have a follow up appointment on the 10th Dec 2019. Hopefully we get good news about how he's doing!

Update 14th Jul 2020: Max is doing well. No more pee problems and he’s all good even though he’s just turned 12 (or 84 in dog years)!